At Home Session/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I just loved this session so much. This was an in-home lifestyle newborn session, which I haven’t been able to do many of since COVID began. It’s been so nice to be able to do these again! I really wish I had photos of our family like these when we had our kids. I have none with our oldest, a few of our son that I took and a few of our youngest, but my husband and I aren’t in any of them. I love when families realize how important it is to be in photos. These photos will be passed down through generations and our kids will someday be able to look back and see just how much we adored them right from the start! A lot of times when parents don’t want to be in the photos, I remind them, these aren’t for us. They are for our children to remember us by someday. This family was so very sweet. This baby boy is their third child and he is going to be so loved by his siblings! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Baby Blue/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Oh I say it all of the time but I love newborn baby girls in blue! This baby girl was just beautiful and so loved! And I really loved hanging out with her mom, who I feel, somewhere down the line we are related since we have an overlapping same last name in our family!

Check out that little smirk in the first photo….just too cute!

I bet she has grown so much already! I hope you are doing well, sweet baby girl!

~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

In-Home Lifestyle Session/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This session was so sweet! I love doing in-home sessions, especially when there are big brothers and sisters because they are so excited not only to have a new baby in the family but also that I’m there. I’m like a new friend coming to visit.

These children were just adorable and full of energy. It wasn’t super easy getting big brother to sit still for even a second but he’s 2 and that’s how 2 year old boys are. My son had more energy at 2 than anyone I’ve ever seen in my life. Now he’s so chill. Funny how they change like that! This baby boy was so perfect. I barely heard a peep out of him the entire session! I think he loved all of the action around him. It’s what he’s been hearing for the past 40 or so weeks! Little man, you were born into such a fun, loving family! Welcome to the world, little buddy! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Sweet Boy/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This little guy was so sweet and made such good eye contact. I love this first neutral color so much. It works with boys and girls and is a timeless color, along with creams and whites.

It was so wonderful to meet him and his family. He sure is loved, not only by his mom and dad but his incredible aunt too! It makes me wish I had been around more to see my nephew grow up. He was born just before I moved away to go to college. Now he’s in his 20’s! Time flies. Soak it all up! I bet this baby boy is already so much bigger, just in this short time!

It’s crazy to see babies that I’ve done newborn photos for, all grown up, some are pre-teens now! It makes me realize how quickly my own kids are growing up. It’s so awesome to see them turn into the little people that they are but also it makes me really sad. While at Target the other day, I saw all of the baby clothes and toys and I just felt a knot in my stomach, wishing I could go back to those days, just for one day! I don’t miss the tantrums or the lack of sleep but I miss them crawling around, playing in the playroom and their snuggles. I’ll just hold out for grand babies, many years from now! lol

Timeless Colors/Asheville Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Neutrals are some of my favorites to use for newborn baby sessions. I love to incorporate a color and then some neutrals into my sessions. These colors are timeless! I look back at some of my older images with the super bright colors and do not love them, but tastes change I suppose!

This little baby boy is so beautiful and was just the sweetest at his session! Business is picking up and I couldn’t be happier. I love meeting families with their new babies. It’s one of the most incredibly rewarding but yet challenging times in the life of new parents. My goal is to be there to support these new parents and insure them that they are doing a fantastic job.

I’m booking sessions very quickly right now and dates are filling in super fast. Times are getting back to normal! Yay! To check availability or book a session, email me at!