More/Asheville Newborn Photographer

Here are a few more photos from this past weekend’s session.  I don’t normally finish editing photos from a session in one day but I loved these so much that I just worked on them every free second I had and finished them by Sunday.  Here are a few more of my favorites!





Sweet Girl/Asheville Newborn Photographer

This morning I did a newborn baby girl session at her home.  I haven’t done a session like that in a while and now I remember how much I love them!  I love being where the family feels most comfortable because that’s when you get natural, really beautiful, meaningful pictures.  The love between this couple was so great to see and was so apparent, even after a long night of no sleep.  I hope to do more sessions like this soon.  It was so nice meeting you all!  Here are just a few of the pictures that I love so far:

Anyone who knows me knows what a total sap I am!  Taking this picture made me tear up.  What a sweet moment!


Big brother was so chunky and CUTE!  I loved playing with him.  He has the biggest, best smile ever!



So Precious/Asheville Newborn Photographer

This past weekend I finally got to meet the baby who I met in her momma’s tummy a couple of weeks back. When I saw her, I couldn’t help but tear up.  She was so beautiful and the same size as my Piper when she was born.  She made me realize how big Piper has gotten because she looked and felt like a giant after holding her!  I loved this session so much but baby girl had me a little worried.  I’m usually really good at settling a baby and have been called “the baby whisperer” by some but at an hour and a half into this session, this baby was still awake!  She was content but not wanting to sleep.  When I finally got her asleep, she did not like being moved.  If I even moved her finger, she would scream at me.  😉  It’s funny how babies show their personalities so early on!  She’s going to be a feisty one for sure. 😉  Watch out mom and dad!  But feisty can be good!  I’ve got one of my own. I’m looking forward to watching this baby girl grow. It’s so cool staying in touch with clients on Facebook and getting to see pictures of their babies as they grow.  It does go way too fast though. 🙁

Big Sister/Asheville Newborn and Child Photographer

I finally got a picture of Mya with Piper.  She was so great with her.  I’m just amazed at how much she loves her!  It’s a totally different story than when River was born. It took about 6 months for her to warm up to him!  I thought it was going to last forever!  So glad this time was easier!  I think these two are going to be best buddies someday!

Big Brother/Asheville Newborn Photographer

This morning River kept kissing Piper on her head while I was trying to get him dressed.  It was so sweet!  I told him that I wished that I had my camera and he said, “Take my picture?  In your studio?”  Why yes!  So I took him and Piper to my studio but then he got all shy and didn’t want to kiss her anymore, not even for M&M’s!  Oh well.  These are just as cute.  Mya is up next.