Beautiful Family/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I have an insane number of pictures to share from my mini-sessions.  All of the families have been so fun!  I had Mya come with me one day to help get kids to smile but she got super distracted by a praying mantis and spent her whole time playing with that.  lol  Luckily, most of the kids have been super happy.  I think right now, just getting out of the house is fun, no matter where you are!  I’m looking forward to doing these again soon!!

Mini-Sessions 2/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I’ve really loved doing mini-sessions.  It’s been so nice to see some of my previous clients again and friends too!  The toddlers are definitely a little more challenging than newborns, but if you aren’t challenged in your job, then it gets boring, right?  lol  I love that I was able to do these socially distanced, with a mask.  It makes me feel like this can be done safely, at least for now while it’s still warm!  I’ve got lots of really cute pictures to share!  I’ve got one more weekend of sessions coming up this weekend and then possibly more, in a different location!  I will post that coming up very soon on my Facebook page!

Family Mini-Sessions/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I did my first weekend of family mini-sessions last weekend and really loved it!  I got to see one family that I’ve done photos for two times, one family that I’ve known for years through soccer and school and one family with a newborn baby that I hadn’t met yet.  It was so much fun and I discovered that I really love doing newborn photos outside and may start to incorporate those right now while I can’t do sessions in my studio.  I am looking forward to the next two weekends with more mini-sessions!

Mini-Sessions/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I am going to be doing some mini-sessions coming up in a couple of weeks!  These will be for all ages and families and will be socially distanced and contactless!  I’m so excited to get to do some work again.  If these go well, I may start offering these sessions often!  I’m missing working with you all so much!!  🙁

Time Away/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Our family took a couple of weeks away from home to drive to Minnesota to spend some time with a very small group of family on the lake.  It was amazing to be away but it’s also nice to be back home!  **I’m going to start doing outdoor baby sitter mini-sessions in August!  These will be contactless so that they will be totally safe.  Email me for more details! I’m ready to get back to work but want to make it safe!