A Miracle/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This baby girl’s story is  just incredible.  She is a true miracle and I feel so lucky to have gotten to meet her.  Her momma and daddy are amazing parents and are so in love with her!  Watching them care for her was just beautiful!  Baby girl, you are going to do great things one day!

Sitter Session/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I can’t wait until I can do more of these sitter sessions!  I really love the outdoor ones!  They might be my favorite type of session!  This age is just perfect.  The babies aren’t afraid of strangers yet and are just so happy!  This girl’s momma is someone that I adore and I was so excited to get to see her and meet her baby girl!  This year has been weird and crazy and I just can’t wait to get back to normalcy so I can hug my clients and friends again!   Look at this second picture!  That belly!  Oh my gosh!  Too cute!!