Daddy’s Girl!

Last week we had so much fun just hanging out in the front yard and driveway.  Mya loves being outside!  I’m working on getting a playscape or something fun for the back yard.  I really don’t think she cares what is out there as long as she is outside.  Maybe I’m the one who wants the fun slide?  😉

Here’s Mya in her dada’s hat.  She is a Longhorn fan, through and through.  She can even say, “Hook ’em!”  Too bad I couldn’t get her to be a true Seminole fan.  Maybe one day!

Saturday Mornin’s

My session was cancelled this morning due to illness and FREEZING cold weather.  Holy moly!  So you know what that means, some more pictures of my favorite little girl, Mya!  She was having such a great time on our bed this morning while I was getting ready so I had to grab the camera.  Don’t worry, Ryder was there to catch her if she fell.  🙂  The girl is very prone to accidents, as you know:  the broken leg, the chipped teeth (twice),…You get the idea.

Oh My Goodness

This little sweet thang is just too cute for words.  Look at those lips.  She got them from her momma!  🙂  I will be adding some more of her as I work on them.  Here is one just to brighten your day a little!

It took a lot of bribing to get big brother to do this, but I know that one day he is going to think the world of his little sister.  Look out boys, you are gonna have to get past him if you want to meet her later on down the road.  😉

God Heard Some Prayers

A friend of mine that I used to work with just recently had this adorable little baby girl.  Shortly after, she was put into the hospital and was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  After being sedated she was put on a respirator.  I was very worried about her as were many, many of her friends and family.  Not only did she just have this baby girl, but she also has a 2 year old at home.  A friend of hers emailed me and asked if I would be able to photograph the children as a gift because their mom was missing this part of their lives.  My reply?  YES, YES, absolutely!!!  I am so grateful that she emailed me.  I have been wondering what I could do for them and this was perfect.  Their mom is doing so much better and is off the respirator and feeding tube and was even able to get up and walk with a walker.  WOW!  Prayers do get answered.  God DOES heal.  And FYI, I was not able to type this without crying.  😉

It was so breezy this morning so we made a little Eskimo.  😉

The absolutely, CUTEST little boy I’ve ever seen!!!

A Few More

I am finished working on pictures for this family.  Check your email, “M” family, for your gallery information!  Here are just a few more that I loved and wanted to share.  Happy Friday, everyone!  For those of you in Austin, what are you doing on the computer??  Get outside.  It’s a gorgeous day!